Lead prospecting vs Sales prospecting: find out the difference!

In my work I often come across two expressions: Lead prospecting and Sales prospecting, and the question arises if there is any difference in them or they are the same notions. Sometimes these terms are used without a deep understanding of what they mean.  Many people consider these terms as equal. So, what is the […]

Social Media Marketing vs Social Selling. The difference you want to know about

Marketing and selling are the essential parts of any business. It is easy to understand that they are different when talking about offline.  But when it comes to Social Media Marketing and Social Selling, many people get confused. To make it clear, Social Media Marketing and Social Selling are not the same things. For a […]

What do automated lead generation tools really automate?

In the modern world, hundreds of business letters are poured into company managers every day. Mail is like a battlefield, and it is almost impossible to wade through hundreds of letters of the same type.  It happens, because most companies choose cold emails to find prospects. To speed the process up, they use template texts […]

7 Tips for Successful Sales Prospecting in Social Media

In the era of social networks, it is impossible to imagine any interaction without them. E-mails and face-to-face meetings are still in use, but as Bill Gates said, If your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of business. Today we have prepared some tips to help you find potential […]

How to find Slack communities?

Do you know that Slack has over 12 million active daily users, and more than 750,000 organizations already use it in 2021? It makes Slack one of the most popular business messengers. Slack is not only an app for team communication and work. It is widely used as a platform for various communities where people can […]

Top 5 Mistakes in Social Selling

Let’s say that your company has launched an award-winning product or service, and now your main headache is how to monetize your creation and introduce it to the public at its best. With the abundance of traditional B2B selling tips and tricks, it becomes more and more challenging to promote anything on the immense expanses […]

What is Leadguru?

Often I have tried to answer the question “What is Leadguru?” Finally, I have arrived at the following definition: Leadguru is an automated lead generation and social selling platform. To learn why this definition fits, let’s define Leadguru together, reviewing its main goals and functions. We started developing Leadguru to help businesses find prospective clients […]

Leadguru Emergence: From Problem to Product

Leadguru was developed by Mitrix Technology, a full-service software development company serving customers around the world since 2016. We created the program to help us and other companies with the critical task of finding clients. Initially, we relied on traditional lead-generation approaches. Like many other companies, we looked for fast-growing companies and searched for their […]